Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Blacklist Mixer Review

So The Black List has started a mixer in Atlanta  for the screenwriting community.  I had the pleasure  of attending the first meeting last month.

The informal event let screenwriters  sign up for a script swap partner  in which writers  would switch projects and offer each other feedback.  It's  a great  option  of your  normal circle of readers include your mom, dad and a few select  friends.

The drawback of the mixer was that it was pretty stagnant, meaning  being  forced  to sit at a booth or table to order. This meant that the free flowing  movement  that you expect  at a mixer was not there.

However,  the bonus of this was you got to know  the people at your  table more intimately  as you  were trapped there for at least 20 minutes.

So the second meeting  lhappened this evening and while I had  planned  to attend,  I had to defer due to an extra long day at the Atlanta  Film Festival  ( which  I will cover in my next post).  Though  I did ask a screenwriting  colleage to provides  me feedback after tonight's  event  which  promised  more of a mixer type environment.

More meetings  are scheduled  to occur the first Wednesday  of every  month at Smith's Olde Bar but be sure to check  the  website for new updates.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Headshots... not just for actors part 2

I realized that I never shared any of my amazing headshots with you. I found out my university actually does them for $35 for students, faculty & staff!

So if your on a budget this may be a great option to get some quality work done. It was a super short shoot lasting a grand total of 10 minutes so don't expect a four hour multiple outfit change  session if you go this route. But if you just need one or two good photos for your business cards and bios then this is perfect.

These were taken by an MFA student at Georgia State and I couldn't be happier.

In fact I'm thinking about getting a second set in my work environment - which at this point is anywhere with my laptop & Internet access.

What do you think of my headshots? Do you know of any other great options for headshots you want to share?

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Big News...Newbies! More Video Content Coming!

Hi Newbies,

Several of you have asked me for more video content similar to what I was doing at the beginning of my blog. Screenwriting with the Newbie did start out as a video blog, and those first 6 episodes are my special treasures to show me how far I have come as a screenwriter. I am so glad I documented my learning process in that way and was able to share it with all of you.

I've been continuing to share new things as I have come across them here, however, the format of bi-weekly video blog was a little too time-consuming for me alone. Shooting and editing video content was actually cutting into my writing time, and I had to follow my own rules. So I shaved that time back into my life by ditching the video element of my blog...or at least having it much more infrequently.

But recently, I was approached by a colleague who decided to create a show about independent female filmmakers and she asked me to be apart of the project. So the video diary will resume, with her lovely production team to edit all the footage, which means more video content will be coming to the site!

I can't wait to share episodes of show with you. More details coming soon!

Monday, February 8, 2016

My aTV FEST 2016 adventure

Scott Foley. Mindy Kaling. Robin Lord Taylor.

Yes, the Savannah College of Art in Design drew in quite the list panelist at this low-key event. Atlanta's only television conference is hosted by SCAD every winter with only those in the know knowing what an epic treat aTV Fest can be for television fans and aspiring television professionals alike.

This year marks my second year of participating in the wildly informative conference that is the perfect combination of education and entertainment. This year Shondaland had the run of show at the four-day event, which suited me perfectly!

I love Shondaland content from Grey's Anatomy to Scandal.

Meeting Scott Foley was heavenly. He is one of the sweetest human beings on the planet.

Meeting Tom Verica was magical and he even gave me some advice on ways to make it in California.

Meeting and interviewing three cast members and an executive producer of the Walking Dead caused me to nearly crap my pants.  But I made through, pants unscathed with few sound bites and images picked up by Getty no less. I dusted off my microphone and was a guest interviewer at the event for the likes of Josh McDermitt, Christian Serratos, Alanna Masterson  and fellow GSU alum Tom Luse. I enjoyed picking their brains be it only for 5 minutes due to super slim time constraints during the press junket, but nonetheless had an amazing experience.

Robin Lord Taylor and I bonded over our mutual love for Wendy Williams and went on a random tangent love fest. How you doin?

These festival moments are definitely ones that I will treasure, but the pinnacle for me was Saturday's Shondaland Writer's Panel. As a budding screenwriter there was no experience that gave me more pleasure than hearing their stories of breaking in, writer's room etiquette and how they ended up working for the the Goddess of the Golden Age, Shonda Rhimes herself.

Mark Wilding, head writer of Scandal had a particularly interesting journey that started right here in Atlanta!

Mark worked at the local Rich's downtown by day and wrote plays by night. One of his plays got seen by someone at Disney all the way in Vancouver.  Disney flew him out to California to see if he'd want a job writing. He's been out there since the mid-80's and has been in Shondaland for the last 11 years.

Believe it or not one of the other panelist had ties to Atlanta. Zoanna Clark, writer on Grey's Anatomy and medical doctor went to medical school at Emory before becoming a medical consultant on ER.  She made sure all of those potentially life saving surgeries on the small screen were accurate before becoming a writer on Grey's Anatomy where she has been for the last 12 years.

Both of their stories had round about journeys to writer's room and that resonated with me since I've worked in some alternate careers myself while discovering my love for screenwriting.

Their stories as well as the other panelist really helped to give me extra motivation to keep striving towards my goals.

Hopefully, it motivates you too! I encourage you to check out aTV Fest next year but above all else, just keep writing.
