Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Blacklist Mixer Review

So The Black List has started a mixer in Atlanta  for the screenwriting community.  I had the pleasure  of attending the first meeting last month.

The informal event let screenwriters  sign up for a script swap partner  in which writers  would switch projects and offer each other feedback.  It's  a great  option  of your  normal circle of readers include your mom, dad and a few select  friends.

The drawback of the mixer was that it was pretty stagnant, meaning  being  forced  to sit at a booth or table to order. This meant that the free flowing  movement  that you expect  at a mixer was not there.

However,  the bonus of this was you got to know  the people at your  table more intimately  as you  were trapped there for at least 20 minutes.

So the second meeting  lhappened this evening and while I had  planned  to attend,  I had to defer due to an extra long day at the Atlanta  Film Festival  ( which  I will cover in my next post).  Though  I did ask a screenwriting  colleage to provides  me feedback after tonight's  event  which  promised  more of a mixer type environment.

More meetings  are scheduled  to occur the first Wednesday  of every  month at Smith's Olde Bar but be sure to check  the  website for new updates.