Monday, October 26, 2015

I've Got My First Screenwriting Contract!

So two weeks ago I was approached by my internship coordinator, whose a great Director and taught me everything I know about being an office PA and set PA during my role at his production company. He asked me if I could help him out with a by critiquing his script. I read the script, took some notes and gave him some honest feedback including where I thought there was room for improvement.

From there, he thanked me for feedback and then surprised me saying he didn't have time to rewrite it, and asked me if I was interested in the gig.

I am sure I had a Macaulay Culkin Home Alone, YES moment--complete with dramatic arm victory swinging.

So I maybe seemed a bit over eager at that moment. I tried to real it back in with one of those understated professional statements...circa " I would be delighted to take part in this project".

But my joy was apparent and I think that actually may not be a bad thing at all. What's so bad about being passionate and excited about doing work that you love?

From there there were some steps to finalize. Newbies receiving an offer is not the end. I had to send him some writing samples ( which makes me so glad I did a feature and a spec ready), which my offer was contingent upon. Then there was a small bit of official paperwork to do concerning payment, timelines etc. 

I am excited to announce I have receive my first screenwriting contract. I am doing a re-write for a children's action adventure film. This is my first official week and I could not be happier and for my very first contract I would say I didn't do too bad.  

Being open, prepared and excited as well as staying keyed in with your network can lead to great results newbies. That is a lesson I have learned for sure over the last two weeks.
