Monday, March 16, 2015

A Freebie from The University of Southern California Film School

So if you can't afford USC Film School you can still feel like you are there if you give this podcast a listen. Starting in 2007 the podcast has interviews from some of the most influential writers, directors and producers of the last century.

I decided to listen to them while at work. I take a note here or there when something really clicks but I feel like if I want to be a serious filmmaker I need to surround my self with the language and the tools of a filmmaker, learning from those who have paved the road before me is just one of the ways I walk my path towards filmmaking success.

Check them all out by clicking here.

Here are my personal notes from the Mark Fergus 2007 USC Interview. His works include “Children of Men” and “IronMan. Check out his full IMDB page here and  keep in mind I typed these while listening......

·       being HBO script analyst training helped him become a better full time screenwriter
·       found niche by tackling projects no one else would
·       Writing spec script at Showtime focusing on what he thought everyone else wanted to buy, but when he focused on the script he wanted to make to please himself & writing partner
·       found writing partner Hawk Otsby; but they live in separate locations but it works for them
·       Collaborators should make you think beyond where you are and should make your ideas get better
·       You have to be open to letting people challenge your ideas and be able to look at them in a different way
·       Also if you agree that any of their ideas make it better, when you incorporate them, you give them a stake in the project. They believe in you and the project more
·       Take turns doing outline, first draft, second draft, etc.
·       Collaboration worked so well that they decided to be represented together
·       Likes the surprise of seeing what they come up with separately and are able to fix each other’s mistakes
·       Biggest revelation, non-verbal is more important than what is verbally happening in your script
·       Trust your gut, it can deliver better than your brain when writing
·       Director, Jon Favreau liked working with  Fergus and Otsby so much he hand-picked them to write on Iron Man
·       You must finish what you started.  Deadline and pressure is screenwriter’s best friend.
·       Collaboration opportunities can be opportunities to move your script forward
·       Put your morals and passions into your writing. Unique viewpoints encouraged though the voices of minorities and women are often not heard.
·       People need to believe your story to go on a journey with your script
·       Big Franchise Sci-fi movies have producers that live, breath and eat the background for comic book characters. Use these experts to help script stay true to these comic book characters. They will protect their characters
·       “Everything you take away empowers everything you have left behind”
·       The common denominator of being productive in the business is being driven and wanting to make the best movie ever made.
·       If you believe in the work, the writing will come. Don’t write for the market place or what is cool.  The timeline for movies is 18 months so what ever is in will be out of style by the time it comes out.

·       Less is best but be Concise. 4 minutes should be all you need to pitch

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